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Sports, Gaming and Rock & Roll: Connectivity and the fan experience

Connectivity needs to be in every venue's playbook

of event-goers post to social media while at an event.
of event-goers say AR/VR technologies have become an integral part of the fan experience.
of event-goers access their tickets digitally.
of event-goers would spend more on food, drink and merchandise if ordering were more convenient

Live events have never been so alive

It’s about more than just watching. Today, it’s about participating, engaging, and sharing. Venues are pushing the boundaries, providing a seamless experience for fans.

Effortless navigation. Instant sharing. Seamless experience.

Seamless connectivity onsite becomes part of the adventure. Event-goers journey’s start as soon as they purchase a ticket, expecting a seamless experience throughout. With expectations rising, enhanced connectivity allows for fans needs to be met more effortlessly than ever before.

How can connectivity change the experience for venues?

Sponsorships are a great way to bring in more revenue while providing unique and exciting experiences for fans. With 81% of fans saying they enjoy participating in sponsored activities at events. Connectivity also brings a sense of security. Giving seamless enjoyment, enhanced safety, and reduced waiting times.

How can live events take it to the next level?

It’s not just about watching; it’s about participating, engaging, and sharing. To give event-goers the experience they desire, live events must include advanced connectivity. Venues can now push the boundaries of rising expectations. Providing a seamless experience for event-goers.

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