The Cellnex Private Networks business including Edzcom has been acquired by Boldyn Networks on 1 March 2024. Positioning Boldyn as the neutral host partner of choice in the growing private networks market and widening our portfolio of wireless solutions. Learn more.

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Utilities & energy

Powering innovation with world-class connectivity

Today’s power systems rely on more technology than ever. Keep everything connected – so the lights stay on – with wireless infrastructure designed, deployed and run by Boldyn Networks.




Connectivity wherever the wind blows

Offshore facilities are great for farming wind energy. But connecting them can be a challenge. Optimise your operations and keep your workers safe with our robust wireless networking solutions.

Trust our experience and expertise to deliver the 5G wireless connectivity you need to transform your operations. Connect all your digital technologies and your employees as well – wherever their jobs take them – to keep them healthy and safe.

Smart sensors, digital twins and other innovations can help you produce more energy. But it takes the right network to connect those technologies: fast, low-latency, high-capacity, broad coverage. And that’s often a problem for offshore or other hard-to-reach locations.

We work closely with you to design a wireless network tailored to your needs, including offshore 4G and 5G connectivity. Then we build and run it, ensuring your technologies and staff always stay connected.

Bringing high-speed mobile connectivity to world’s largest offshore wind farm

We've announced our second partnership with Ørsted, a global leader in offshore wind, to build a high-speed mobile network at Hornsea 3, set to be the world’s largest offshore wind farm once constructed.

Power plants

Power plants

High-powered connectivity for your plant

Replace legacy communication system. Solve problems faster. Keep workers safe and network secure. A private 5G network can connect all your devices and people – in complex facilities, underground or anywhere else.

Enable seamless communication with all your people. No matter where they are on the plant. To keep them safe. And their data secure. Replacing legacy communication system. Using video and group communications for efficient collaboration. And to respond faster to potential threats.

Data collected from sensors and cameras give you intelligence to help you extend assets lifespan with well-planned preventive maintenance. Or you may choose to deploy AR and VR for your maintenance operations. Either way, you need seamless connectivity.

Keep propriety and sensitive business data safe with our secure private wireless network solutions. You have total control over who can access the network – protected by dedicated radio frequency and encrypted air interface.

Keep your people out of dangerous situations. Let automated and remote operations handle the work in hazardous areas. Powered by an ultra-reliable, high-speed, low-latency private network.

Smarter, safer operations with private networks for energy, utilities and chemical

In today's fast-evolving landscape, the energy, utilities, and chemical sectors must adapt and innovate to thrive. We recognise the vital role that connectivity and data insights play in ensuring the efficient and sustainable operation of critical assets. We can help you safeguard your systems and ensure continuous coverage across your site, because protecting your resources and workforce is our top priority.

Boosting automated and safer operations while maximizing coverage in the field

The first 5G private network deployed for the Spanish chemical industry - the network at BASF’s facility is designed to enable seamless connectivity and optimisation of processes and traffic across the 100-hectare plant.

A first-of-its-kind 4G Private Network delivers secure and group communication for an European nuclear powerplant

Seamless connectivity across vast areas, including indoor, underground, and outdoor locations within the nuclear power plant. High-security architecture safeguards sensitive data and restricts unauthorised access

Use cases

Private networks enable Industry 4.0 applications. Opening a new world of innovation.

Improve worker efficiency and safety

Replacing legacy communication solutions. Enabling video and group communication without blind spots and remove people from hazardous areas by using drones and robots

Situational awareness

Enabling real-time monitoring, sensing, and control of energy plants and devices. Providing real-time insights for improved operations and ongoing safety

Optimise maintenance planning

Anticipating potential issues through sensor and camera data. Minimising downtime and maintenance costs. Increasing the lifespan of critical assets

Automate and optimise operations

IoT sensors and extensive data collection for enterprise-wide asset management and resource planning

Oil & Gas

Oil & Gas

A smarter future for oil and gas

Petrochemical extraction needs to protect the environment, employees and the bottom line. Our wireless networking solutions keep you connected to the essential insights you need to do it all.

Better connectivity leads to better situational awareness. Monitor worker movements in real time to keep them safe. Get insights into operations to maximise efficiency. Get instant notification of leaks or other potential problems so you can fix them fast.

Equipment malfunction can cause costly downtime – and have huge environmental impacts if they lead to leaks. Leverage connected sensors and camera data to optimise maintenance, enable preventive maintenance and extend the life of your critical equipment.

Keep propriety and sensitive business data safe with our secure private wireless network solutions. You have total control over who can access the network – protected by dedicated radio frequency and end-to-end encryption.

Smarter, safer operations with private networks for energy, utilities and chemical

In today's fast-evolving landscape, the energy, utilities, and chemical sectors must adapt and innovate to thrive. We recognise the vital role that connectivity and data insights play in ensuring the efficient and sustainable operation of critical assets. We can help you safeguard your systems and ensure continuous coverage across your site, because protecting your resources and workforce is our top priority.

Boosting automated and safer operations while maximizing coverage in the field

The first 5G private network deployed for the Spanish chemical industry - the network at BASF’s facility is designed to enable seamless connectivity and optimisation of processes and traffic across the 100-hectare plant.

Private LTE networks at an European industrial site

Digitalization with the focus on production, back-office and services

Benefits of a reliable private network in airports

The path to digitalisation starts with reliable connectivity Here are some examples what a reliable private network can enable for your business:

Improve worker efficiency and safety

Enable seamless communication without blind spots and remove people from hazardous areas by using drones and robots

Automate and optimize operations

IoT sensors and extensive data collection for enterprise-wide asset management and resource planning

Increase security

Extended video surveillance and infrared cameras

Optimise maintenance planning

Monitoring the health of assets in real-time. Optimizing maintenance schedules. Remote maintenance


Seamless wireless connectivity to keep your teams and equipment connected. Enhance operations and maintenance, keep your teams safe and pave the way for new digital solutions for an interconnected future.