The Cellnex Private Networks business including Edzcom has been acquired by Boldyn Networks on 1 March 2024. Positioning Boldyn as the neutral host partner of choice in the growing private networks market and widening our portfolio of wireless solutions. Learn more.

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Heavy industry

Top-tier connectivity to power industrial transformation

Advanced robotics, AI, cloud computing and smart sensors are changing everything. Reap the benefits of Industry 4.0 with wireless infrastructure designed, deployed and run by Boldyn Networks.

Heavy Industry



Get ahead of the competition with next-gen networks

Industry 4.0 can make your operations smarter. More agile. Safer. More sustainable. To do it, you need a private 5G network that connects all your assets, people and devices. Indoor and outdoor.

Industry 4.0 depends on having fast, reliable, low-latency connectivity across your entire site. That’s tough to do if you have a sprawling campus made up of multiple buildings. We can design, build and run the wireless infrastructure you need to bring the right connectivity everywhere it’s needed.

Get reliable, seamless coverage for Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs). Get stability and capacity for large number of connected devices, such as video cameras, sensors, and hand-held devices. Private 5G stays stable no matter how many devices you connect. We tailor it to your needs.

With your own private network, you’re fully isolated from the public network. So your communications are never bogged down by other traffic. And your data never leaves your site. While encrypted air interface delivers an added layer of security for even more peace of mind.