The Cellnex Private Networks business including Edzcom has been acquired by Boldyn Networks on 1 March 2024. Positioning Boldyn as the neutral host partner of choice in the growing private networks market and widening our portfolio of wireless solutions. Learn more.

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Heavy industry

Top-tier connectivity to power industrial transformation

Advanced robotics, AI, cloud computing and smart sensors are changing everything. Reap the benefits of Industry 4.0 with wireless infrastructure designed, deployed and run by Boldyn Networks.

Heavy Industry



Power automated mining. Secure your efficiency. Keep your people safe


Mining environments can be complex. Unpredictable. Even dangerous. The mining industry, being the crucial role in supplying resources, faces many challenges: Building a safe, secure environment

Staying safe in a mine demands uninterrupted connectivity for push-to-talk communications and geo-location monitoring. Even in heavily shielded underground areas. Or put in place innovations like automated drilling and haulage so they don’t have to go into dangerous areas at all.

Smart automation of mining operations improves productivity and efficiency. Preventive maintenance based on advanced data and video analytics increases asset lifespans. Reliable, low-latency connectivity with coverage designed for your needs– and less infrastructure needed than Wi-Fi – make it all possible.

A private mobile network makes it easier to collect the insights needed for 360-degree situational awareness. So you can optimise operations with precise asset tracking. Make the right decisions faster. Protect your workers. Use equipment more effectively. Reduce costs.

With the right network, you can also take advantage of remote sensing. Drone mapping. Geospatial analysis. So you can monitor and reduce your environmental impact. And meet your sustainability targets.

Automated mining operations, next level safety and 4.0 innovation with private networks

Cutting-edge private network solutions revolutionise mining by guaranteeing seamless and safe operations underground or in open-cast settings. Customised solutions deliver flawless connectivity for assets, machinery, and personnel, incorporating IoT, AI, and robotics for remote-controlled devices, geolocation tools, and predictive maintenance. Leading in digital innovation, Boldyn Networks champions mining safety and efficiency with a dedicated 4G/5G network focusing on data security.

Pursue continuity and safety of mining operations

Wireless coverage enabling automation for 20km2 surface area of challenging industrial environment

Boost automation and digitalization in the entire mining Industry

Unlock new possibilities for the Mining Industry, the community, and also for companies in the transport, energy storage, explosives and tunneling industries to be able to operate their equipment and manage their operations in a more efficient manner

Use cases

Improving safety

Keep your people safe from harzardous areas. Detect dangers and alert for immediate response.

Boosting efficiency

Advance your technology game. Sustainably keep up with the demand and differentiate your company against competitors.

Improving assets management

Interconnect your people, assets, equipment and machines. Capture data easily and remotely. Ensure to gather sufficient data for decision-making.

Achieving environmental sustainability

Collect your business' environmental impacts and make analysis for the best action points to keep up with your sustainability goals.



Get ahead of the competition with next-gen networks

Industry 4.0 can make your operations smarter. More agile. Safer. More sustainable. To do it, you need a private 5G network that connects all your assets, people and devices. Indoor and outdoor.

Industry 4.0 depends on having fast, reliable, low-latency connectivity across your entire site. That’s tough to do if you have a sprawling campus made up of multiple buildings. We can design, build and run the wireless infrastructure you need to bring the right connectivity everywhere it’s needed.

Get reliable, seamless coverage for Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs). Get stability and capacity for large number of connected devices, such as video cameras, sensors, and hand-held devices. Private 5G stays stable no matter how many devices you connect. We tailor it to your needs.

With your own private network, you’re fully isolated from the public network. So your communications are never bogged down by other traffic. And your data never leaves your site. While encrypted air interface delivers an added layer of security for even more peace of mind.

Unlock the power of industry 4.0 with private networks

High-performance private networks offer exclusive throughput, linking all elements of your operation securely and efficiently. Achieve high-mix, low-volume customisation, and demand-driven flexible output through advanced technologies, such as automation, robotics, and AI. Private networks are the foundation of digital transformation, innovation, and competitive advantage.

Boosting automated and safer operations while maximizing coverage in the field

The first 5G private network deployed for the Spanish chemical industry - the network at BASF’s facility is designed to enable seamless connectivity and optimisation of processes and traffic across the 100-hectare plant.

Boosting 5G research to automated and digitalised solutions for factories and ports

Demanding connectivity requirements to meet its customer needs including high bandwidth and low latency for increased productivity, improved efficiency, and enhanced safety

Use cases

Remote-controlled operations

Remove your people from the dangerous areas, automate processes. Let machine do the heavy works, while having full control over their operation & routes.

Increase efficiency of quality controls

By implementing automated inspection systems for continuous quality monitoring

Safety sensors and alerts

Automatic alert and sending information, including geo-location when your people is in danger. Allow rapid & efficient respond towards emergency.

Decrease operational costs

By rapidly digitalizing and automating production operations

Improve speed to market & adapt to market changes

By rapidly digitalising and automating production operations


Seamless wireless connectivity to keep your teams and equipment connected. Enhance operations and maintenance, keep your teams safe and pave the way for new digital solutions for an interconnected future.